Celebrating 150 years in 2025
Rose Hill Methodist will be celebrating it’s 150th Anniversary in 2025!! The Historic Sanctuary Committee has developed a list of celebration events for the anniversary in 2025. Many of these events are ones we already celebrate – they just need to be “upped” a little for our special year. WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Volunteer forms are available below or paper copies in Church gathering areas with a list of the events and volunteer needs. We want everyone to participate to make this a successful, fun-filled year. Please consider areas where you can volunteer. Thank you!
JANUARY 19 – Sweet Hymn Sing in the evening with desserts provided by the Congregation to follow.
FEBRUARY – Chili Supper
MARCH 2 – Re-dedication/Heritage Service (one service at 10:30 AM) followed by Fellowship Luncheon
APRIL 18 – Good Friday Fish Fry
MAY 11 (rain date May 18) – Honoring women of Rose Hill at church services. Picnic with band following at 12:00.
JUNE 15 – Honoring men of Rose Hill at church services. Time Capsule and Hamburger meal to follow
JULY – Ice Cream Social and school supply drive
AUGUST – Family Games & Sno-Cones
FIRST WEEKEND OF OCTOBER – 150 Years of Transportation & Car Show
3rd WEEKEND OF OCTOBER – Missions Sunday: Blood Drive, Food Pantry Drive, Baby Supplies Drive
NOVEMBER – Artisans Day: demos of old skills and activities from church founding
DECEMBER 21 – Tree Lighting and Caroling with hot chocolate and Wassail