Since 1875, many families have called Rose Hill Methodist Church their home. We are a generational church with a great heritage, filled with countless stories highlighting the faithfulness of God. Our church also has a great future ahead of us. We are a growing church serving a growing community. If you’re looking for a church home, join us this Sunday.


The Table
Join us each Wednesday evening in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 for a home-cooked meal with church family. The dinner donation is $7 per person; kids 5 and under, or 90 and over, eat free. If possible, please RSVP after church each Sunday prior to the dinner or text your last name and the number in your party to 281-389-3210. Walk-ins are welcome too!

Connect 345
All 3rd-5th grade students are invited for a great time of fun and fellowship on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 3:00-4:30 p.m. Bring a friend!

Game Time
What time is it? Game time!
Join us for Rose Hill Methodist GAME TIME! Sunday, February 23 from 3-5 p.m. will be filled with a variety of activities for the entire family. There will be outdoor games such as pickleball, Frisbee Golf, and Volleyball. Bring your favorite indoor games such as dominoes and board games.

Food Pantry
Fight Hunger • Give Hope • Share Jesus
Our next distribution is February 27th. THANKS for your continued generosity in helping us restock The Pantry with shelf-stable items such as canned vegetables, canned meat, canned fruit, peanut butter, pasta, rice, spaghetti sauce, mac and cheese, dry beans, and cereal. Monetary donations are greatly appreciated and may be placed in the offering with The Pantry clearly marked.

Special Service March 2nd
Mark your calendar for a special Sunday! On March 2nd, in celebration of our 150th anniversary, we will have one combined worship service at 10:30 a.m. in the Faith Center.
We will then have a fellowship pot-luck dinner at 4:00 p.m., in the Faith Center.

Blood Drive
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and give your “green” blood at the Rose Hill Methodist Semi-Annual Blood Drive on March 16 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The Gift of Life is precious! All donors will receive a FREE ticket to Big Rivers Waterpark plus a FREE tumbler! Please sign up at the Blood Center website (if you are a registered donor), contact Judith Hackney, or walk up … and continue our wonderful tradition of giving.

150th Anniversary
We are thrilled to be celebrating our 150th Anniversary in 2025! Check out all the events this year and some fun history about Rose Hill Methodist.
February 14, 2025
Sermon Series: Jesus Loves Me This I Know
Most of us learned this song in Sunday School or at home at the feet of someone who loved us. We were taught to know that Jesus loves us, and we know it is true because that is what the Bible says. What does the Bible say about the love of the Son, and the Father, for us? Together we will look to scripture to find the incredible truth about God’s never-ending, never-failing love for His children.
Sermon Title: Love Lifted Me — The love Jesus has for us is revealed on the cross, and by his sacrifice we are lifted out of our sin. We are made a part of the kingdom of God as witnesses to the love of Jesus to the world.
Scripture Reading: Revelation 1:4-8
WORSHIP | Click HERE for the current Sunday Traditional Worship Bulletin
Nursery is available from 8:30 am – Noon on Sundays in the Faith Center.
Children’s Church is provided at the 11:00 am service in the Faith Center for 3-year-olds (potty-trained) through 5th grade. Children should come to worship with their families and they will be dismissed from the worship service for Children’s Church during the time of Welcome!
Children’s Sunday School meets at 9:45 am. Classes for PreK-K and Grades 1-2 meet in the Faith Center. Grades 3-5 meet in the Fellowship Hall. Greeters can help you find the correct room for each class.
Learn more here.

Youth Sunday School meets at 9:45 am in the Faith Center. The students in this class have a large role in determining what topics will be discussed.
Youth Group meets at 5:00 pm on Sunday evenings also for fellowship and fun. All youth 6th-12th grade are welcome!

9:45 am – This class is studying They Walked with God by Max Lucado. The class is led by Penny Lucas and meets in the Fellowship Hall.
9:45 am – The Believers class is studying the book The Letters of John by N.T. Wright. The class meets in the Faith Center Library and is led by Rev. Greg Megill, Alan Kendall, and Vic and Linda Nugent. Come join us!

Methodist Women meets monthly on the second Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Contact the church office for more info.

Heart to Heart Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 10 am in the church library. We are currently on summer break but will resume the first Wednesday of September with Priscilla Shirer’s Discerning the Voice of God.

Rose Hill Methodist Church | | 281-351-5356
21022 Rosehill Church Road, Tomball, TX, 77377
2025. Copyright. All Rights Reserved.